Are you suffering from stress & adrenal fatigue? If you can answer yes to any of the follow then you may have adrenal fatigue:
- Feel tired for no particular reason?
- Have trouble getting up in the morning?
- Need stimulants to keep you going, like coffee, caffeine and other stimulants?
- Feel stressed or run down?
- Have cravings for sweet or salty snacks?
- Struggling to keep up with life’s demands?
- Can’t bounce back from stress or illness?
- Low sex drive?
Adrenal fatigue is more common now than ever and is often overlooked by medical doctors so its important if you can associate yourself with any of the above questions that you find out for sure if you actually have adrenal fatigue by taking the adrenal fatigue test.
What is adrenal fatigue you may wonder…
Adrenal fatigue is when your body’s normal stress response system becomes overwhelmed and can no longer keep up the demand for essential hormones that deal with stress. These hormones help you to respond to stress and they help you to overcome stress, so prolonged stress can run you down and burn you out leaving you feeling tired, stressed and unable to keep up with life in general.
But its important to understand that stress itself is usually the result of adrenal fatigue meaning the reason you feel stressed is because you have already burned out your adrenal glands. Basically people who cope well with stress usually have healthy adrenal glands while others often have one or more problems that cause them to have adrenal fatigue.
Causes of adrenal fatigue
As we mentioned adrenal fatigue happens when your adrenal glands are overstimulated and essentially run out of resources to keep on going and this can range from mild cases to severe cases often referred to as chronic fatigue. Adrenal fatigue can be temporary or can be ongoing for many years without treatment and is often debilitating in many ways for those who suffer from it. There are many different ways that you can become stressed out and end up with adrenal fatigue, here are just some of the main causes:
- Physical stress such as in an injury, surgery, addiction and exhaustion
- Poor nutrition or nutritional imbalances
- Metabolic imbalances that affect nutrition that leads to toxicity
- Emotional/psychological stress from life, relationships, worry, finances & work
- Continual exposure to environmental toxins such as chemicals, pollution or the air, water and food supply
- Poor immunity such as unresolved disease states, auto immune disease and other illnesses
- Thyroid hormone imbalances
A day in the life of having adrenal fatigue
People often ask what it feels like to have adrenal fatigue, here is an example of a classic case of adrenal fatigue….
When you have fatigue you are tired and worn out but after a nights sleep you wake up refreshed and have overcome the stress and fatigue of the previous day. When you have adrenal fatigue you don’t wake up refreshed the next day, you find it difficult to get up in the morning and often really don’t wake up properly until after 10.00am unless of course you have used a stimulant like coffee to kick-start yourself. By lunch time into late afternoon you find that your energy levels are low which tend to pick up a bit after 6.00pm till around 9.00pm. You go to bed and the cycle repeats day after day.
Usually adrenal fatigue has levels from mild to chronic, we all use some forms of means to keep us going, those with adrenal fatigue fight their tired body with coffee, sugar, sweets and salt to get them by while those with chronic adrenal fatigue just can’t cope and often get stressed out easily, burn out and nod off all of the time and can’t figure out why.
Fixing adrenal fatigue
Adrenal fatigue can be resolved, it’s simply a matter of discovering the reason behind the hormone imbalance which is easy when you know which of the important hormone are involved in adrenal fatigue. Adrenal fatigue is a condition that can result from imbalances in one or two important hormones, DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) and Cortisol that are responsible for controlling how you respond to stress. When one or both of these hormones becomes depleted that’s when fatigue or adrenal insufficiency can result.
Taking the adrenal fatigue test or the extensive adrenal fatigue test is a great way to discover the following:
- If you have adrenal fatigue
- Which hormones are responsible
- What you can do right from home to fix the problem
Health effects of adrenal fatigue
Adrenal hormones are involved in almost every process in your body so when you have adrenal fatigue it can effect your whole body and often this makes it very hard to diagnose without the adrenal test. Here is just some of the important roles of the adrenal hormones and the effects they can have on your body:
- Regulate energy production
- Helps to store energy so you don’t run out of energy
- Controls your heart rate
- Controls your blood pressure
- Keeps muscle tone healthy
- Regulates the immune system
- Controls metabolism
- Balance blood sugar
- Helps burn fat
- Maintains electrolyte balance
- Helps balance fluids in the body (prevents fluid retention)
- Promotes cardiovascular health
- Regulates proper sleep
- Promotes sex drive
As you can see just this one problem can have a major effect on your health and the quality of your life. If you suspect you may have adrenal fatigue, take the simple home test here.