The MTHFR Gene Mutation Home Test
MTHFR is the gene in genetics that has the job of making an enzyme called methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase. This enzyme plays an important role in processing amino acids which are the building blocks of the body. So when the MTHFR gene has a mutation, limited amounts of these important enzymes are produced leading to many serious health problems.
Important Facts About MTHFR Gene Mutation
- Inability to convert folic acid needed for good health
- Lowered ability to detoxify
- Greater risk of producing excess or high levels of homocysteine.
- Higher risk of Heart disease
- Anxiety
- Anaemia
- Eczema
- Cracked lips
- Premature greying hair
- Muscle tension
- Insomnia
- Fatigue
- Poor memory
- Lack of energy
- Poor appetite
- Stomach pains
- Depression
- Autism
About The MTHFR Gene Mutation Home Test
After you purchase the MTHFR Gene Mutation Home Test, you will receive a simple buccal swab saliva test kit in the mail. The test kit comes with:
- A buccal swab home test kit
- Full instructions and Laboratory request form
- Complete instructions & tools for taking the test
- Pre-paid express post envelope to return the test to the laboratory.
Test results are sent to one of our professional health practitioners within 7 business days for evaluation. Our practitioners contact you with the results and recommendations on any findings via email, mail or phone.
Symptoms of MTHFR
Alcohol withdrawal seizure
Cardiovascular disease: thromboembolism, artherosclerosis and mycocardial infarction
Colorectal neoplasias
Dementia and memory loss
Depression and Irritability
Elevated homocysteine
Increased breast cancer risk (women >55 years of age)
Neural tube and other birth defects
Peripheral neuropathy
Reduced lean body mass and increased body fat
The Main Problem With MTHFR
Have any questions about this test? Ask one of our qualified health practitioners here.