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MegaIgG2000 Total Immune Defense

Original price was: $75.75.Current price is: $72.00.

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MegaIgG2000 by microbiome labs is a dairy-free immunoglobulin concentrate that supports healthy digestion, neutralizes environmental toxins, and improves gut barrier function. Unlike other milk-derived immunoglobulins on the market, Mega IgG2000 is derived from bovine serum, making it lactose-free, casein-free, and β-lactoglobulin-free.

This unique alternative to bovine colostrum supports a healthy mucosal immune system by decreasing immune activation and strengthening gut barrier function. The serum derived  bovine immunoglobulin in Mega IgG2000 has been the subject in over 10 published human clinical trials on inflammatory and infectious bowel conditions.**

How does it work?

Immunoglobulin G (IgG), the most abundant antibody in the system, can be found in blood and extracellular fluid, allowing it to control infections in the body. IgG antibodies can bind a variety of pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi, as well as their toxic by-products. Binding these toxins will neutralize them and allow the immune system to safely remove them from the body.


MegaIgG2000 & Gut Inflammation

One of the biggest problems with gut health right now is that many people suffer from gut inflammation as a result of immunity imbalances within the gut microbiome.  MegaIgG by microbiome labs is particularly good at helping to switch of any LPS toxins that may spilling from the intestinal lumen into the blood stream, this is of course very important for reducing inflammation in the gut in terms of your inflammatory changes and or autoimmune type diseases associated with leaky gut syndrome.

MegaIgG helps to reduce inflammation by reducing overreactions in the gut microbiome and is particularly good with helping to resolve inflammatory bowel disease.

Advantages over bovine colostrum

  • Supports healthy digestion
  • Derived from bovine serum
  • Free and β lactoglobulin
  • Casein free and β
  • β lactoglobulin free
  • Lactose free casein
  • Serum derived
  • Bovine immunoglobulin

Immune Response

When an antigen enters the body, it elicits a response from the innate and adaptive branches of the immune system. The adaptive immune response utilizes B and T lymphocytes to find foreign antigens, neutralize them, and eliminate them from the body. B lymphocytes do this by producing antibodies, or immunoglobulins, that can bind to unwanted antigens and remove them from the system.

Immunoglobulin G (IgG), the most abundant healthy gut barrier function antibody in the system, can be found in blood and extracellular fluid, allowing it to control infections in the body. IgG antibodies can bind a variety of pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi, as well as their toxic by-products. Binding these toxins will neutralize them and allow the immune system to safely remove them from the body.

Immune response with MegaIgg2000

Causes of autoimmune disease

You may be wondering what causes autoimmune disease and there is no short answer, however you should know that in order to develop an autoimmune disease you must have the genes for it and most people do.  Most autoimmune disorders are the result of faulty genes that also need an external trigger to activate the disorder along with having a leaky gut such as inflammation in the gut as a result of too many LPS Toxins which MegIgG helps to neutralize.

Autoimmune Disease Triggers

Faulty genes combined with environmental chemicals and leaky gut set the stage for autoimmune disease.  Other factors that also contribute include inflammatory bowel, infections, food intolerance’s & sensitivities, emotional stress, exposure to chemicals, heavy metals, pregnancy and nutritional deficiencies, while many of these problems are common MegIgG helps to neutralize the negative effects of these external conditions right in the gut.

So the bottom line is you need the genes for autoimmune to occur, you need to have leaky gut and you need an environmental trigger to start of the disease process, if MegIgG is present or part of a an overall protocol to solve these issues the odds of continued development of the autoimmune disease is significantly reduced or even stopped and that were the damage can be repaired.

Genetic Problems & Gut Immunity

Many people can have genetic mutations that cause them to have lower defenses against certain bacteria leaving them with lower front line immune defenses, MegaIgG2000 by microbiome labs can help increase these defenses assisting in natural immunity while it maintains healthy gut barrier .  Table 1 below gives examples of some leading bacterial problems that MegaIgG2000 can help support.

table 1 bacteria and MeagIgG2000

Immune Support

Significantly reduces inflammation and intestinal damage.

Healthy Metabolism

Improves nutrient digestion and absorption.

Mucosal Defense

Maintains healthy mucosal barrier function in the digestive tract.

Megaigg2000 immune metabolism and Mucosal defense

Do not consume if you have an allergy to beef.

Weight200 g
Dimensions6 × 6 × 13.5 cm