palladium toxicity

Do you have palladium toxicity?

Do you have palladium toxicity?  Get yourself tested here.

Never heard of palladium toxicity?  That’s because there is very little information around about palladium and how it affects people health.

Palladium is a toxic heavy metal that is associated with damaging bone marrow, kidneys & the liver, not only that but palladium is also considered carcinogenic so cancer is not out of the question.  Palladium can also cause skin, eye or respiratory tract irritation and can cause skin sensations including allergic reactions.

Palladium is all around us, it is used in electronics, dentistry, jewelry, photography and catalytic converters in cars.  Metal amalgams often contain palladium which can leach over time from your fillings into your body causing toxicity.  So the real question is are you toxic with palladium?

Symptoms of palladium toxicity

Symptoms associated with palladium vary depending on the amount you are currently exposed to, or if you have liver detoxification problems here are some of the more common symptoms:

  • Allergic reaction (Skin)
  • Migraine headaches
  • Burning of eyes
  • Impaired immune system
  • Confusion
  • Memory loss
  • Dizziness
  • Metal taste in the mouth
  • Nerve pain
  • Muscle cramps
  • Depression
  • Breathing difficulty
  • Paralysis of face
  • Kidney disease
  • Liver disease
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Insomnia
  • Heart palpitations

People who have allergic reactions to nickel usually react allergically to palladium also.

The dangers of palladium toxicity

Palladium can interfere with important enzyme systems of the body, enzymes are very important for the body to stay healthly, this is because enzymes work with basic nutrition, therefore nutritional problems can occur as a result of palladium toxicity, this can cause a chain reaction of health problems that can be difficult diagnose and disease is the result.  The metal disrupts bone and cartilage formation so it can be associated to osteoporosis and arthritis.  Palladium has been implicated as a carcinogenic substance which can result in cancer formation, the metal has the ability to obstruct DNA synthesis.

Palladium toxicity & genetics

Some people are genetically predisposed to palladium toxicity, this is because certain genes belonging to liver detoxification pathways that normally deal with palladium detoxification have been deleted, in these cases a genetics test can confirm and a specialized nutritional program can help the individual detoxify beryllium.

Do you have palladium toxicity?

The best way to find out if you have toxic levels of palladium and or if you’re at risk from palladium related disease is by a hair mineral analysis, this simple home test shows if you are toxic and guidance can be given to how to detoxify the palladium in your situation as everyone is different.

People who have allergic reactions to any metals such as jewelry for example are encouraged to test for palladium toxicity.

Detoxification of palladium

Often people attempt to detoxify palladium without knowing if they have toxicity and without knowing the best ways to achieve results.  Many heavy metal detoxification supplements on the market do not work and often contain toxic heavy metals themselves.

Palladium is a very toxic metal and each person who has been exposed to the metal is affected in different ways, this can cause detoxification problems.

It’s important to have yourself tested by professionals that can guide you through the detoxification process that will work for you personally.  It’s also possible that you may have a gene mutations which can make any basic detoxification program useless and or harmful.

Have any questions about palladium toxicity & treatments? Click here to get an online consultation now.


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