Asthma can be a terrible, distressing condition not just for the those who have it but also for those that care for those with asthma. Typically asthma is treated with medications such as Ventolin or various inhalers which can bring temporary relief but rarely does this asthma treatment get to the bottom of the problem which often leads to more health problems later on down the track.
Those who suffer from asthma know only too well how distressing it can be to have an attack and not knowing why it happens can leave you thinking that there is noting that you can do about it, this thinking couldn’t be further from the truth when you find out what is causing your asthma and treat it the right way.
Causes of asthma
There are actually several ways that you can end up with asthma, asthma can be triggered by any of the following:
- Allergic reaction to foods
- Allergic reactions to air-borne allergens
- Reactions to food additives
- Reactions to environmental chemicals
- Excessive histamine production
- Nutritional imbalances
- Parasite infection
- Chemical sensitivities & metabolic problems
Lets take a closer look at each one and see if you think you might have one or more of these problems that may be causing your asthma attacks.
Allergic reaction to foods – This is a common problem for many asthmatics, the problem is associated with your immune system over reacting to certain foods that your immune system sees as a threat and responds by raising histamine levels which triggers your asthma. The problem with knowing if your asthma is caused by allergic reactions to foods, is that often the reaction happens hours if not days after you consume the culprit food/drink, this leaves you unable to know which allergy test will be able to pin point the food that is causing you the asthma reaction. By using the allergy testing guide you can help find the best test that could help you resolve your asthma trigger.
Allergic reactions to air-borne allergens – One of the biggest triggers for asthma is air-borne allergens, these are very hard to diagnose because they can’t be seen and they are often seasonal. Air borne allergens enter the lungs which sets off an asthma attack. The best way to find out if you are reacting to air-borne allergens is by taking the inhalant allergy test. Once the culprit substance is detected a person can be desensitized with natural remedies which can resolve the asthma trigger.
Reactions to food additives – A common problem for asthma sufferers is food additives that cause an asthma attack. Food additives are very common and are often hidden in the food we buy, this makes it very hard to know what food you can and can’t have that may cause an asthma attack.
A simple common food additives test that can pinpoint food additives that affect you can bring a lot of relief once you stop consuming them.
Reactions to environmental chemicals – Since the introduction of the industrial age we have large amounts of toxic environmental chemicals that have invaded the air, water and food, these toxic chemicals can play havoc with your health and are often part of if not the cause of asthma.
Environmental chemicals mess with your body’s chemistry causing all sorts of imbalances that lead to poor health and disease. Taking an environmental chemicals test is the only way to be sure that these chemicals aren’t behind your asthma and any other heath problems you may have.
Excessive histamine production – Histamine is a powerful neurotransmitter which is involved in immune response and has influence over how your immune system responds. When you have asthma you have elevated histamine or you may have histamine intolerance, the amount of histamine you have can determine how many, how frequent and how severe your asthma attack can be. By finding out your current histamine levels can help in customizing a nutritional program that dramatically reduces your histamine production and lowers your risk of asthma attacks.
Nutritional imbalances – Nutritional medicine plays a major role in the treatment of asthma, many vitamins and minerals are involved in the health of the immune system and the lungs. Just one or more simple nutritional imbalances can contribute and or cause asthma so it’s very important to know if you have nutritional deficiencies.
Often people underestimate the power of nutritional treatments because they have taken nutritional supplements and found no change in their asthma, this is because everyday nutritional supplements do not address specific problems that can cause asthma. Taking a nutritional balance test can determine the most common nutritional imbalances found in asthma cases. Some vitamins and minerals can really help reduce and or solve asthma, just some of these include:
Vitamin C – This very common vitamin can help with asthma, vitamin C achieves this helping some people to reduce histamine levels.
Magnesium – This mineral is an antispasmodic which can help relax the muscles in the lungs. It’s important to understand that just taking magnesium supplements does not work for everyone due to other nutritional imbalances that prevent magnesium from doing its job.
Molybdenum – This important trace mineral is essential in the prevention of bronchial asthma, molybdenum also helps with sulfite sensitivities and allergy reactions which is often the case for asthma sufferers.
Parasite infection – One of the most overlooked causes of asthma is parasite infections that effect the immune system and the lungs, these can easily trigger asthma attacks because they also raise histamine levels. Parasite infections are very contagious so they are very hard to find and kill. Using a herbal parasite cleanse can help prove if parasites are the cause or part of the cause because symptoms subside while doing the parasite cleanse and then return not long after you finished the bottle. If this is the case then other actions will need to be taken as discussed above to prevent reinfection and giving your lungs time to heal.
Chemical sensitivities & metabolic problems – Sometimes you can have nutritional metabolic health problems that go on to cause chemical sensitives, having a metabolic problem simply means that you body doesn’t respond properly to good nutrition when it should. Often people with metabolic problems can’t synthesize the essential nutrients they need due to build ups of environmental chemicals this then leads to multiply nutritional deficiencies, leaky gut syndrome and often autoimmune disease. Testing for metabolic problems along with environmental chemical sensitivities is a great way to discover major problems that lead to serious disease including asthma.
Where to start with treating asthma the right way
With so many causes of asthma it can be hard to know where to start first, the best way to know what to do first is to ask one of our professional natural health practitioners, by asking about your symptoms practitioners can get a better idea of what’s going on in your personal case and be able to advise the best course of action.